
Proud to be an American. The Lee Greenwood version of “God Bless the USA” is a song that rings my bell of patriotism each and every time I hear it.  When we talk about American food, most of it has roots in other ethnicities however we have Americanized it.

American food is not just the red white and blue jello on July 4th, it is also apple pie and ice cream. It is golden, deep-fried crispy chicken and macaroni and cheese that is baked with a crumby topping. It is a steak grilled or smoked to perfection and ribs that fall off the bone. It is lobsters with drawn butter and a full pot of crab, shrimp, and potatoes that make a seafood boil.

Every culture has its version of comfort food. If you are from the United States, you grew up on this American food and it likely brings you much satisfaction to eat it.  Partly because our sense of smell and taste are deeply rooted in our memories.  Then there is the comfort that familiarity brings, I think this is why kids often like to eat the same things over and over again.

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