You have heard it your entire life, that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. While you may not buy in to that theory completely there is something to be said about setting the tone of the day with healthy eating and fueling your body with something more than caffeine.
Overnight Oats
Overnight Oats are so easy and versatile. I prepped four breakfast bowls in the time it took to shoot this video. The video is only 4 minutes long! I used frozen blueberries for two and a half of a granny smith apple for the other two. If you are looking for a healthy way to trim the fat and your food budget this breakfast prep is a winning recipe!
Mango Sunshine Smoothie Bowl
Mango Sunshine Smoothie Bowls are the perfect summer breakfast. Wake up your taste buds with bright flavors and healthy turmeric.
Cold Smoked Salmon Roll Ups
Cold Smoked Salmon Roll Ups are delicious for breakfast or lunch. Packed with protein and zero carbs fill your belly without guilt.
The Perfect Hard Boiled Eggs
Make the perfect hard boiled egg. Pro tip “use up older eggs for hard boiled method as they are easier to peel. The reason is the older the egg is the membrane between the shell and the white has already started to loose elasticity. I always use a teaspoon to peel as it is faster.