A pickle guy pointing at himself with a jar of pickles
Jars of pickles on a table

One day a friend of mine and I were enjoying a pint of beer at a local bottle shop.  He offered to share some pickles that his sister-in-law made for him. Of course, I was excited to try them and boy oh boy did that get me thinking I should learn to make my own pickles and share all my recipes with you. This friend of mine whose name is Pete, will forever be known to me as Pickle Pete. 

The first pickles I made were simple refrigerator pickles. I bought the pickling spice from the store and followed a recipe. Since then I have gotten quite experimental with these little lovelies.  I have been adding in Jalapenos, onions and my own spices. I even made an Asian version using star anise yum. These have been a big hit with everyone who tried them. To this day my favorite way to make pickles is the fridge version. 



Since this post was written I have learned to pickle all kinds of things.  Here is a photo of my pickled shrimp. It is one of my favorites. We even hosted a pickling party at our home. That was loads of fun. 

Read our article How to Host A Pickling Party

Shrimp and lemons in a pewter bowl

Pickle Pete enjoyed tasting our pwn recipes and I thought it would be great fun to share some of our pickles with others.

We invited some other food enthusiasts to bring their homemade pickles into the bottle shop on a Sunday afternoon.  What started out as a tasting turned in to contest.  The pickle challenge was born!

People brought all kinds of pickles including pickled mango! My husband who loves to smoke meat on his Kamado Joe brought a lovely brisket to share, it was unto its self simply amazing. Our pickle event was a big hit and an awesome time.  Look for more pickle recipes to be added soon.

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