We vibe with people who appreciate great food and we mean everyone!
Home cooks, Instagram foodies, YouTubers, bloggers, cookbook authors, bakers, restaurateurs, personal chefs, sous chefs, chef de cuisines, executive chefs, backyard bbq warriors, caterers, nutritionists, food entrepreneurs, kitchen designers, and home organizers.
Yes, all of these people are all in our tribe. We feel so happy when we are around them. We love to spotlight their talents and in doing so we all have a great time!
If you identify as a foodie on any level, let’s connect and see how we can spread joy and flavor on the Love of Food Network.

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The Food Industry
Foodies Together
Regardless of what interests you about food lifestyles and the business of food. We are here to provide the content that you are seeking.
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The Mom and Daughter Team Behind The Scenes
Hi, I am Jan,
Food surrounds my life. I was fortunate enough to have had early education on a small family farm. My mother baked and canned seasonal fruits and vegetables from our small patch of garden. My father posted fence holes and he raised and processed our chickens, ducks, and pigs. We had a huge white chest freezer that was always filled.
At age nine my family faced a tragedy, I was moved from our quiet rural family farm to the bustling city of Boston to learn another side of of life. It was here that I encountered food insecurity and what it meant to live in a food desert. I learned how to stretch a meal when cooking and how to keep a kitchen spotless clean. I lived in a household with nine other children and each night we took turns cooking the evening meal, cleaning up the kitchen and tucking the little ones into bed.
As a young woman I took my work ethic into the corporate world. I worked multiple jobs at a time while raising my daughter. I sometimes operated a small business as my second or third job. When my daughter and I were not cooking together at home we would go out to restaurants. She was a great dinner companion since much like myself she had an adventurous palate.
All of my life experiences spawned my love for food. Early on in my life, food signified comfort and love. As I grew I learned to have a respect for food that others may not quite understand. I consider it a challenge to eat well and keep my food cost down. It has fueled my dedication to meal prepping and organizing. It has allowed me to enjoy and share my favorite pastimes of entertaining and dining out.
My passion for food obviously translated to a daughter who has been culinary trained. I still learn so much from her.
Together we formed Love of Food Network, we write and film all of our own recipes and co-manage many social media accounts. She currently juggles all this and a full time job.
My husband supports all my crazy ideas. I make him taste all my experiments, so it is a good thing he likes to eat. He also publishes a barbecue blog and Facebook group called All BBQ. You can see why I say food surrounds my life.
I am fortunate to have great friends who will take part in all my antics, like participating in a pickling party. Sometimes I get them to wear our promotional gear and or pose for my cover photos.
Other times they bring their entire dining table and chairs, along with their fancy place settings and we eat a full turkey dinner for a Thanksgiving photo shoot in August!
Hi, I am Nicole,
I was born and raised in the New England region of the United States. When most people think of the New England area their minds picture the sleepy seaside towns of cape cod. They conjure up visions of slow moving fishing boats filled with bearded men wearing bright orange overalls who are pitching wide nets into the cold waters of Maine. Because of this it is only natural to relate New England’s culinary scene mostly to seafood.
While it is true we have access to some of the best seafood in the country; and I do enjoy a well steamed lobster with a side of drawn butter, we do also have an appreciation for many ethnic foods. In the Northeast we don’t just “eat to live we live to eat”
As a toddler, I remember pulling my chair up to the counter to help my mother cook, there was not too many things I wouldn’t eat. (except hotdogs or Jello and still to this day I can’t eat either). Growing up in an urban area I gained a culinary advantage which was DIVERSITY. City living also meat access to many restaurants. Attending public school gave me the opportunity to learn about various cultures and their food. I realized at a young age that I had a love for food and a pallet that craved different flavors. Much of my free time during my teen years was spent watching reruns of Julia Child and recreating her dishes.
I attended a vocational high school for culinary arts. From there I was accepted into Johnson & Wales University’s culinary degree program. Two great retired Michelin star chefs mentored me for three years. One chef in particular made “Gordon Ramsey’s personality during a Hell’s Kitchen episode seem tame. Working in the kitchen requires one to have tough skin, chefs need to be vocal and loud, they need consistency and standards. Once in school when I did not cut an onion the correct way I was made to peel and cut a fifty-pound bag of onions or fail the class for the day. Let’s just say I will never cut an onion the wrong way again. Lol
During my twelve-year culinary career I was young, eager and wanted to master every part of the industry. I started out as a personal chef for two families, then moved on to catering weddings and working for other various restaurants, country clubs and hotels. I worked my way up from line cook to sous chef and eventually made it to head chef.
Since then I have enjoyed traveling around the world enhancing my pallet and learning about new cultures. I am always intrigued about their native crops and learning unique cooking techniques. If you would like to read about my travels to the Philippines check out this article I wrote.
One thing I can say with complete confidence is that regardless what part of the world people are from, food is the one common denominator.
Food has the power to bring people together, food is love!’