Sliced some of your carrots into thin julienne strips for the whiskers and save 1 piece to cut a triangle for the nose
Slice the egg into circles with the yolk in the middle one of the egg slices is used for the tail
Slice the tops of the green onion making slits in the stalks to use for the grass
Cut one of the black olives in half for the eyes and one into thirds for the buttons
(Halve one of the slices for the salami for the inside of the ear, and shape out the belly and the feet with another 2 slices)
4 -6 Slices of provolone cheese are used to make the outline of the bunny. Cut one slice in half for the ears)
Slice your celery into “u” shapes
Cut and slice the rest of the fresh vegetables and place into bowls
Start with a large platter and place lettuce as the bottom layer.
Add the fresh vegetables first, spreading them out evenly so someone will receive a taste of each on a spoonful of salad
Next layer on the jar and canned vegetables
Then layer the deli meats and cheeses I roll most of the meats and cheese whenever possible.
Lastly, add the seafood, I always place the tono in the top middle unless I know someone hates it, then I place to one side so they can avoid it.